The Academic Committee shall deal with matters relating to research and training.
It shall also function as the Committee on evaluation. It shall deal with matter,
proposals or schemes relating to the following subjects initiated by it or referred
to it or otherwise.
The Director General of the Institute shall be the Chairman of the Academic Committee.
It shall consist of the following members:
Category Rule Description
Present incumbent names
Dr. G. Narendra Kumar, IAS
Director General
NIRD&PR, (Chairman)
Rule. XII (2) (i) (a) Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Department
of Rural Development dealing with the Institute or his nominee not below the rank
of Deputy Secretary – Member.
Joint Secretary (Training) Ministry of Rural Development Department of Rural Development
Krishi Bhavan New Delhi – 110 001
Rule.XII (2) (i) (b) Two persons from among the members of the Executive Council
to be nominated by the Executive Council for such them as may be fixed by the Executive
Council but not exceeding 3 years.
Rule. XII (2) (i) (c) Deputy Director General, NIRD&PR
Rule. XII (2) (i) (d) Financial Adviser, NIRD&PR
Rule. XII (2) (i) (e) Three Heads of Faculties Members as nominated by the (Chairman)
Director General in rotation.
Rule. XII (2) (i) (f) Two nominees of the Planning Commission Govt. of India (Research
Programme Committee and Programme Evaluation Organization) for such term as may
be fixed by the Executive Council, but not exceeding three years, provided that
they are eligible for re-nomination.
Advisor (Rural Development) Planning Commission Room No.232 Yojana Bhavan Sansad
Marg NEW DELHI – 110 001
Adviser (Evaluation) Planning Commission Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg NEW DELHI –
110 001
Rule. XII (2) (i) (g) One nominee each of four Institutes in Social Sciences in
Indian selected by the Executive Council for such term as may be fixed by the Executive
Council, but not exceeding 3 years
Director Centre for Women’s Development Studies, 13-13, Panch Sheel Enclave, New
Director, Xavier Labour Relations Institute, CH Area (East), P.O. 222, Jamshadpur.
Director, MYRADA Service Road Domlur Layout, Bangalore
Director Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, University
Road, Pune.
Rule. XII (2) (i) (h) One non-official who has experience in Rural Development activities
to be nominated by the Executive Council for such term as may be fixed by the Executive
Council, but not exceeding 3 years.
Rule. XII (2) (i) (h) The Chairman shall co-opt by rotation heads of four State
Level Training Institutes in Rural Development (SIRD) or the apex Institution at
the State Level declared by the State Government) for such term as may be fixed
by him but not exceeding two years.
Rule. XII (2) (i) (j) The Chairman shall have the power to co-opt other members
as he considers necessary, including from amongst eminent academicians, academic
and research Institutions etc. Their co-option would be for a specific meeting of
the Academic Committee.