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कॉर्पोरेट सामाजिक जिम्‍मेदारी लोक निजी साझेदारी तथा जन कार्य केन्‍द्र


  • Guiding the Corporates and other stakeholders viz, government departments, NGOs, cooperative societies, public and private sector enterprises on CSR initiatives to play a vital role towards Sustainable Rural Development;
  • Imparting managerial skills and building capacity on effective Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in rural development;
  • Creating a nodal centre / development hub through conjoined efforts of Corporates, Panchayati Raj Institutions, government and development organisations;
  • Providing a wide range of academic services in the form of specific CSR training programmes on consultancy basis; and
  • Undertaking action-oriented research projects, nation-wide policy research studies and evaluations on CSR spending and PPP initiatives in the country.


  • Develop a synergic partnership among private partners, corporate business houses, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj functionaries, civil society organisations and peoples’ forums for sharing database, knowledge, skills and expertise on social responsibility and its legal regulations.
  • Organise national and international level capacity building programmes, seminars and conferences, workshops and write shops on corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, public private partnership and project management with emphasis on innovative methods for social and entrepreneurship development and start-ups.
  • Undertake short and long term research projects, evaluation and case studies pertaining to policy research on all social service delivery mechanisms and other allied areas of interest so as to enable successful CSR and PPP models.
  • Coordinate action-oriented and field-based initiatives, successful micro enterprises/business models by sourcing to integrate the SHGs and Panchayati Raj Institutions across the country.
  • Document and archive best practices of CSR and Public Private Partnerships on inclusive rural development with community participation

महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र और गुंजाइश

Major Functional Responsibilities:

  • CSR: Practices, Policies, Guidelines, Strategies & Programmes
  • CSR and Sustainability: Constitutional Provisions and Legal Mandate
  • Convergence approaches of CSR, PRls and SHGs
  • Management Practices of Corporate Houses and their Business Automation
  • Identifying the problems Identification and solutions: Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluations - Social, Economic and Political Aspects.
  • Inter-sectoral Co-ordination, Drinking Water, Education, Health and Sanitation, Energy and Environmental Issues
  • Technology Interventions: IEC Strategies and Models for CSR benefits
  • Project Management: PPP, PURA/ RURBAN Projects
  • Social Mobilisation and Community Participation: Role of various Stakeholders
  • Social Audits and Sectoral Perspectives
  • Participatory tools and skill development techniques
  • Facilitation and impact assessment

In order to provide policy support for gaining greater insights from various development projects under CSR and PPP, many research and training avenues could be tailed-up that benefit all the stakeholders and academia. Following are (not exhaustive) listed as important research/project areas to be taken up by the Centre:

  • Data base of PRIs, NGOs, PSUs and Corporate bodies for symbiotic networking,
  • Nationwide analytical / comparative / case research studies on CSR activities and livelihoods initiatives/methods
  • Socio-economic research / impact assessment / social audit on project affected areas,
  • Preparation of micro and strategic development plans and project management for CSR initiatives/activities
  • Status of social mobilisation and community participation
  • Management of micro enterprises development
  • Evaluation and documentation of best practices


डॉ आर मुरूगेशन रामास्‍वामी

प्रोफेसर एवं अध्यक्ष

शैक्षिक योग्यता : पी एच डी अर्थशास्‍त्र – ग्रामीण ऊर्जा में विशेषज्ञ Ph.D., M.B.A, LL.B.
विशेषज्ञ क्षेत्र : अभिशासन और लोकतंत्र ,युवा विकास शिक्षा का अधिकार जनसेवा का अधिकार –अभिसरण योजना
ईमेल : murugesan.nird[at]
फ़ोन : (+91) 040-24008445
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