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DG's Message

India is at an inflexion point of taking a big leap forward to reach to the league of Developed Nations is the World. A major thrust and an "out of box" approach is need of the hour to reap the "Population Dividend" of the country and substantially increase the per capita income of the people. Very extensive and quality capacity building, action reach, skill development and behavioural change of all the functionaries that contribute for the welfare of the rural people, either directly or indirectly, is a strategic requirement and catering to the millions of such functionaries in a time bound manner is a challenge. An "out of box" approach of leveraging the technology and other management tools, to build the capacities of the functionaries and also bring behavioural changes in the public; and promoting innovation and technology diffusion can be a way forward. The task is not small. Therefore collaborating, networking and joining hands with all and institutions and people committed to this cause is absolutely essential. NIRD&PR is positioned to offer a robust platform for such an alliance. There is a need to collaborate with National and International thinkers / Researcher / Practitioners in rural development and allied sectors is also essential, to eradicate poverty and attain sustainable prosperity of the people.

We in the NIRD&PR with a very strong and eminent academicians, researchers, teachers and supporting service personnel are geared up to take up this humongous task and enable achievement of the highest per capita income levels and create a development scenario to bring bright smiles to the millions or un-reached / under-reached humanity of the country. This decade will be a land mark for NIRD&PR and thus to the Nation.


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