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Executive Council

  1. There shall be an Executive Council of the Institute and it shall consist of the following members;
    1. Union Minister of Rural Development who is also the President of the General Council shall be the Chairman of the Executive Council. (Revised vide Office Order No. 578, dated 16th October, 2003)
    2. The Director General of the Institute.
    3. Secretary (RD), Secretary (DWS), Joint Secretary as well as Financial Adviser in the Ministry/Department of Rural Development, Government of India dealing with the Institute.
    4. Five eminent persons who have made note-worthy contributions in the fields of Rural Development, reconstructions and allied subjects, to be nominated by the President of the Institute from among the members of the General Council.
    5. Two members to be nominated by the President of the Institute from among the non-official members of the General Council.
    6. Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training Government of India, New Delhi or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary to Government of India. (Revised vide Office Order No.944, dated 20th February, 2003). Provided that in the absence of the President of the Institute, the nomination of members specified in sub-clause (d) and (e) shall be done by the Government of India.
  2. The term of nominated members of the Executive Council shall be three years but they shall be eligible for re-appointment. If any member of the Executive Council ceases to be a member of the Institute, he shall automatically cease to be member of the Executive Council;
  3. The Executive Council shall function notwithstanding any vacancy therein and notwithstanding any defect in the appointment or nomination of any member and no act or proceeding of the Executive Council shall be invalidated or nullified by reason only of the existence of any vacancy therein or of any defect in the appointment or nomination of any member;
  4. Any vacancy amongst the nominated members of the Executive Council arising from death or resignation or otherwise, may be filled by nomination by the President or, in his absence, by the Government of India and the members so nominated shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of office of the member causing the vacancy;
  5. Every meeting of the Executive Council shall be presided over by its Chairman and in his absence, MOS (RD) looking after the subject related to NIRD&PR, and who is also one of the two Vice Presidents of the General Council, shall chair the meeting.
    1. In the absence of both the Union Minister and MOS (RD), Secretary (RD) who is also one of the two Vice Presidents of the General Council, shall chair the meeting. (Revised vide Office Order No. 578, dated 16th October, 2003)
  6. Four members of the Executive Council present in person shall constitute quorum. No quorum shall be required for an adjourned Meeting;
  7. For every meeting of the Executive Council not less than fifteen clear days' notice shall be given to each member, provided that the Chairman in special circumstances may call a meeting at a shorter notice;
  8. At least two meeting of the Executive Council shall be held every year;
  9. For the purpose of the last sub-rule, each year shall be deemed to commence on the first day of April and terminate on the thirty-first day of March of the following calendar year;
  10. The Chairman of the Executive Council may himself call, or by a requisition in writing signed by him may require the Director General to call a meeting of the Executive Council at any time;
  11. Each member of the Executive Council, including the Chairman thereof shall have one vote and in case there shall be an equality of votes on any question to be decided by the Executive Council, its Chairman or in his absence the person presiding over the meeting shall, in addition, have a casting vote;
  12. The Chairman of the Executive Council may invite any person, other than a member to attend a meeting of the Executive Council. Such invitee shall not, however, be entitled to vote at the meeting; and
  13. Any business which it may be necessary for the Executive Council to perform may be carried out by circulation of papers among all its members and any resolution so circulated and approved by a majority of the members signing shall be as effectual and binding as if the resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Executive Council provided that at least six members have recorded their views on the resolution.

Functions and Powers of the Executive Council

  1. Subject to the general control and direction of the General Council, the Executive Council shall be responsible for the management and administration of the affairs of the Institute in accordance with these rules and the Bye-laws made there under for the furtherance of its objects and shall have all powers-administrative and financial which may be necessary or expedient for the purpose.
  2. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing sub-rule, the Executive Council shall have the following powers and functions, namely to:
    1. Prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes for the furtherance of the objects of the Institute;
    2. Create such posts, appoint and control such staff other than those for whose appointment specific provision has been made elsewhere, as may be required for the efficient management of the affairs of the Institute and regulate the terms and conditions of their services;
    3. Receive, have custody of, and deal with the funds and monies of the Institute;
    4. Purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire a properly movable or immovable or sell, hire, lease, exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any property, movable or immovable, of the Institute provided that for the transfer of immovable property the prior approval of the Government of India is obtained in that behalf;
    5. Execute contracts, collaboration agreements, general/special instruments, service agreements, agreements containing arbitration clauses, indemnity bonds, deeds in respect of or connected with sale/lease/license, mortgage, hypothecation or other deeds of a legal character of whatever description, powers of Attorney, enforce any other legal rights and incur legal expenses, provided that these powers are exercised for and on behalf of the Institute;
    6. Sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Institute;
    7. Appoint Committees, with or without the power to co-opt, for disposal of any business of the Institute or for advice in many matter pertaining to the Institute, provided that in cases of emergency, the Chairman of the Executive Council shall have the power to appoint such committees;
    8. Accept the management of any endowment, trust, fund, subscription or donation, provided that it is not attended by any condition inconsistent, or in conflict, with the objects of the Institute;
    9. Advise the General Council on all matters connected with the budget of the Institute;
    10. Incur expenditure subject to the provisions of the approved budget provided that where, in the opinion of the Chairman, an immediate decision on any matter is essential, he may, within the ambit of operational necessity and efficiency or to meet an emergency, authorise the incurring of expenditure not covered by the provisions of the budget provided that a report would be made to the General Council at its next meeting and its ex-post-facto approval obtained, wherever necessary; and
    11. To lay down terms and conditions governing scholarships, fellowships, deputations, grants-in-aid, research schemes and projects;
  3. The Executive Council may be resolution delegate to its Chairman, to any Standing Committee, or to the Director General or to any other officer of the Institute, such of its powers for the conduct of business as it may deem fit, subject, if deemed necessary to the condition that the action taken by its own Chairman, the Standing Committee or the Director General, or other officers under the powers so delegated shall be subject to confirmation at the next meeting of the Executive Council.

Amendment to Rule X of the "Rules of the NIRD&PR, 1991" on constitution of Executive Council of the Institute - reg

Amendment to Rule X(i)of the "Rules of the NIRD&PR, 1991" on constitution of Executive Council of the Institute - reg

Amendment / Addition to Rule III of the Rules of NIRD&PR 1991 on constitution of General Council to make Additional Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Government of India as Ex-Officio Member in General council- reg


S.No Category/Rule Description Sl.No. as per Rules Present Incumbent Names
1 X(i) (a) Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India 1 Shri Nagendra Nath Sinha, IAS, Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001.
2 X(i)(b) Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India (or a nominee not below the level of Additional Secretary 1 Secretary, Department of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001
3 X(i) (c) Secretary, Department of Land Resources (or a nominee not below the level of Additional Secretary) 1 Shri Dinesh Singh, IAS, Secretary, Department of Land Resources, Govt. of India, 12G, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110011.
4 X(i)(d) Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, (or a nominee not below the level of Joint Secretary) 1 Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation Room No.247, 'A' Wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi - 110011.
5 X(i)(e) Five eminent persons from the field of Rural Development nominated by the President of the Institute from among the members of the General Council 1 VACANT
10 X(i)(f) Two non-official members nominated by the President of the Institute from among the members of the General Council 1 VACANT
12 X(i) (g) Joint Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training dealing with training 1 Shri Pramod Kumar Das, IAS, Joint Secretary (Training) Department of Personnel and Training, 3rd Floor, Block-IV, Old JNU Campus, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi -110067
13 X(i)(h) Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development 1 Dr Nagesh Singh, IAS, Additional Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001.
14 X(i)(i) Financial Advisor, Ministry of Rural Development 1 Smt.Seema Bahuguna, IAS Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001.
15 X(i)(j) Director General, NIRD&PR (Member Secretary) 1 Director General, NIRD&PR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500030.

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