Accessibility Tools


Name : Dr K Prabhakar
Education : M.A, Ph.D (Economics)
Experience : More than eight years of research experience in using/applying different kinds of
Social Accountability Tools in varied contexts for assessing service delivery
mechanisms under various government programmes
Email : kprabhakar.nird[at]
Phone :
Mobile : 9989648950

Areas of Specialisation

Inventing new tools and techniques to strengthen better service delivery and Good Governance Practices (Developed FMA & SET tools); Using different Social Accountability Tools in different contexts; Testing the applicability of different Social Accountability Tools for different flagship programmes/schemes of the Government

Professional Affiliation

Publications/articles/cases/reviews (Numbers)

S NO Publications International National
1 BOOKS 1 -
2 Chapters in edited books 1 2
3 Book Reviews 1 1
4 Research Reports - 11
5 Articles 1 3
6 Newspaper article - 1


Current research

  1. Strengthening policymaking and implementation through systematic research

  2. Conducting academic and/or professional research on important sectoral and inter-sectoral issues of policy relevance of rural development programmes

  3. Conducting trainings, workshops and seminars to train different stakeholders such as, Government officials, direct beneficiaries of the programmes, elected Panchayat Raj representatives and NGOs in the use of different Social Accountability Tools and techniques for better service delivery/ or good governance practices

  4. Providing knowledge of the larger setting in which improvements in public service delivery and rural infrastructure take place

  5. Influencing policymakers, civil society and other stakeholders through dissemination of research findings


Workshops / Conferences attended

National - 5

International - 2

Training Programmes /Workshops/Seminars Completed:

  1. National Seminar on "Flagship Programmes : Impact, Problems & Challenges Ahead"
  2. Institutionalization of Best Practices of Social Audits in IWMP (DoLR)
  3. Strategies for Participation of Stakeholders in IWMP (DoLR)
  4. Exchange Programme on Participatory Irrigation Management, Advocating, Adoption/Enactment and Motivation of WUAs
  5. Social Impact Assessment - Tools & Techniques
  6. Orientation and Exchange Programme of Difficult and Over-Exploited Areas for Management of Water Resources through Conservation, Distribution and Efficient Use
  7. Regional Workshop on Strategies for Promoting Participatory Irrigation Management
  8. Workshop on Integrated Water Resource Management : Issues and Options
  9. Workshop on Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
  10. Workshop on Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture under IWMP: Challenges and Opportunities

Invited Talks / Presentations

Resource Person at International level

As an invited Citizen Report Card (CRC) expert, did international courses in Sri Lanka (Citizen report Card training programme conducted by CEPA-Colombo, Sri Lanka and Dhaka (Third Party Monitoring Tools- conducted by ANSR-SAR & BRAC University, Dhaka)

Honours / Awards:


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