Rural Technology Alliance with the Scientific Community DRDO, ISRO and CSIR etc.,
Large number of Eminent Scientists who worked in different organisations related
to Defence, Space, CSIR and other research organisations after retirement have willingly
come forward to collaborate with Rural Technology Park (RTP), NIRDPR in taking the
benefit of technology to the rural people for their prosperity. An initial meeting
was held with Dr. A.K. Chakravarthy, President, Institute of Defence Scientists
and Technologists who was also former Director of DRDL and his colleagues on 17.05.2016
at NIRDPR. Dr. W.R. Reddy, IAS, the Director General, NIRDPR and the experts from
RTP have joined the discussions. It has been agreed to join hands for leveraging
the expertise available in Hyderabad and other places for identifying, validating,
customizing, demonstrating and disseminating innovative technologies suitable for
rural development as part of this initiative. A consultative meeting is proposed
to be held on 11.06.2016. Other interested like minded people can join alliance
by contacting Dr. Y. Gangi Reddy, Professor & Head, Centre for Innovations and Appropriate
Technologies (gangireddy.nird[at],rtpnird[at]
Second Meeting of Rural Technology Alliance on 11.6.2016
A one day meeting cum workshop of Rural Technology Alliance was held on 11.6.2016
under the chairmanship of Dr W R Reddy, IAS., Director General, NIRDPR with the
eminent scientists for a discussion on the various technologies that could be identified
for the purpose of introduction into RTP in the process of strengthening of the
same and for the transfer of the technologies to the rural areas for the benefit
of the rural community.
Before the commencement of the meeting at 11.00 AM all the participants visited
Rural Technology Park to get themselves acquainted with the concept and with regard
to the various technologies available at RTP.
The Director General opined that this platform of ‘Rural Technology Alliance’ will
be a new model for utilizing the rich experience and wisdom of the senior citizens
in identifying the innovations and technologies for the benefit of the rural population.
He said that the members of this alliance can meet at regular intervals for which
NIRDPR, RTP can be able to provide space at RTP so that there will be a continuous
dialogue on the various aspects which we are expecting to focus.
During the course of the discussions presentations were made by:
- Dr Vikash Chandra Janu, Scientist and Defense lab Jodhpur with regard to the water
purification products and technologies developed by DRDO, Jodhpur.
- Dr S Sridhar, Principal Scientist and Project Leader, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad made
a presentation with regard to the low cost RO plant developed by him.
- Dr Sunil Kumar Verma, Principal Scientist, CCMB made a presentation with regard
to linking of environment, energy, waste management etc.
- Dr VijayaLaxmiVenkatesan, Scientist from National Institute of Nutrition made a
presentation with regard to the technologies developed on nutrition.
- Prof. A Nagamani from University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University
made a presentation on Bio-agents and the need for their popularization.
It was decided by the RTA that the issues can be identified one by one and concentrate
on one or two at a time and try to put them into place and to proceed accordingly
in every meeting of RTA. To start with it has been decided to identify the most
important issues of water, bio-agents and bio-fertilizers and to work on the same
immediately. Further, it was suggested by the DG, to work out as to how to create
wealth from ‘pertinium’ fungi conversion into a usable product.
In the concluding remarks the Director General suggested Dr Chakrabarthy and other
colleagues for making themselves convenient to find time and sit with the RTP team
and to chalk out as to how to go, how to take forward the water and other bio-agents
technologies besides appealing to the participants for doing the needful for enlarging
the RTA group with like-minded scientists to strengthen the thinking process on
a continuous basis.
Way Forward
- The RTA members decided to meet at RTP once a month to deliberate on the various
issues outlined above and to work further for identification, facilitation and demonstration
- Dr S Sridhar, Principal Scientist and Project Leader, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad offered
to give his technology by way of establishing one RO unit at NIRDPR for its effective
demonstration and transfer of the said technology.
- Dr Sunil Kumar Verma, Principal Scientist, CCMB has agreed to work on conversion
of pertinium fungi into usable product.
- Dr AllaRamalinga Reddy, Former Director, Defence Lab, Jodhpur will arrange the transfer
of water purification technologies from DRDO, Jodhpur to RTP, NIRDPR for their demonstration
and transfer.
3rd Rural Technology Alliance (RTA) Meeting
3rd meeting of Rural Technology Alliance (RTA) was held on 30.7.2016
at RTP, NIRDPR chaired by Shri A K Chakrabarti.
There was a focus discussion on the following:
- Conversion of ‘parthenium’ a problematic weed into a usable product i.e., active carbon etc.
The feasibility of introducing/placing of various DRDO technologies at RTP.
The scope to get assistance and guidance from RuTAG centres to RTP to develop and disseminate technologies for rural areas.
Regarding undertaking a visit to the villages by RTA members for a study of the issues need to be addressed.
The meeting was attended by Dr Sunil Kumar Verma, Shri PVSL Narasimham, Shri Bijoy Sarma, Shri CVV Kumar, Dr Dipankar Sarkar, Shri Subash Lode, Dr Y Gangi Reddy and Shri Mohammad Khan.