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Objectives :

  • To strengthen implementation of NRLM through capacity building of SRLMs and by arranging implementation support from NRLM Resource Cell.
  • To facilitate continuous flow of trained National, State, District, Field professionals from NRLM Resource Cell to all the SRLMs and MoRD as per requirement.
  • Develop appropriate Resource Material for Capacity Building of CBOs and SRLM staff.
  • Build a Multi-thematic and Multi-layered pool of Resource persons (National, State, District and Block level) at the NIRD&PR Resource Cell.
  • Build the capacities of Thematic experts of SRLMs, SIRDs & CBAs
  • Conduct Induction and various thematic trainings to different categories of Resource Persons of SRLMs, SIRD staff & CBAs.
  • Organize various workshops like Vision building, Leadership development, Management and Annual Action plan Preparation and Write shops.
  • Support to NMMU & MoRD for conducting Monthly/Bi-monthly/Quarterly reviews with various levels of SRLM staff.
  • Support to the SRLMs to develop Resource Blocks/Model Blocks.
  • Document the various Best Practices emerge in SRLMs.
  • Key Achievements during the F.Y 2018-19

  • Key Achievements during the F.Y 2017-18:

    Induction training programs for newly recruited staff of SRLMs:

    During the year NRLM RC NIRD&PR with the support of NMMU conducted (10-15 days based on the need) Induction& immersion training to 9 SRLMs Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Punjab, Haryana Andaman &Nicobar, Diu and Daman trained 600 staff of SRLMs. These induction programs training basically aim to bring in a sense of uniformity across SRLMs for the effective and smooth implementation of DAY-NRLM

    Development and Effective utilization of NRP pool

    NIRD&PR, NRLM (RC) has already empanelled 374 NRPs to support SRLMs to take up the capacity building activities effectively, and updating the NRPs list based on the need and demand in different thematic areas of NRLM, viz., Institutional Building & Capacity Building, Financial inclusion, Human Resources, Convergence, Gender, FNHW, Farm livelihoods and Non-farm livelihoods etc. NRLM (RC) is supporting SRLMs by deputing NRPs to conduct various capacity building activities to the SRLM staff, Bankers, PRIs and Line departments, community cadres etc., this pool of Resource persons are supporting the SRLMs to develop their own State level Resource pool and thematic modules and materials for effective trainings in the respective states. The NRPs performance will be reviewed regularly based on the feedback from the participants and SRLM staff.

    Development of Model Cluster Level Federations (CLFs)

    NRLM decided to take up the development of model Cluster Level Federation (CLF) strategy. To develop selected CLFs in each SRLM as model institutions and using them as demonstration sites for scale up of mission activities in the other blocks. The objectives of Model CLFs are to provide support in developing other CLFs to become self-reliant, sustainable member based and member-governed organizations, to create Resource CLFs as centers of excellence and training cum immersion site within the state and to provide support developing resource pool at different levels for replication

    As a part of the strategy, NRLM team along with NRPs visited the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Assam and Tripura for technical support to the SRLMs in developing 2-3 CLFs as Model CLFs over a period of 2-3 years.


    Conducted and Coordinated 6th Annual National Writeshop at NIRD&PR, Hyderabad.

    A study on Strengthening of Regional Community Training Centres

    Capacity Building is the key strategy for Implementation of DAY-NRLM, Which can help state Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) to reach maximum number of SHGs, VOs and CLFs on a regular basis and help nurture and robust self-managed and self-reliant vibrant community institutions. Continuous Capacity Building needs to promotion and strengthening of community institutions like SHGs, VOs, CLFs and BLFs for promotion of livelihoods including access to financial services and rights and entitlements.

    Decentralized Community Managed Training centres (CMTs) and integration of capacity building efforts more focused on Social Mobilization, institution Building, Financial Inclusion and Livelihoods etc., Promotion of community owned and managed capacity building initiatives through trusted residential trainings

    Study on CIF management by Community Based Institutions – SHGs, VOs & CLFs under DAY-NRLM (Objectives of Study)
    1. To assess the awareness level of SHG, VO and CLF members and Office Bearers on the concept, importance and management of CIF.
    2. To assess the processes and procedures adopted by SHG and their federations in CIF&RF management
    3. To assess the repayment status of CIF &RF at SHG, VO and CLF level
    4. To understand the gaps, bottlenecks, hindering factors in the effective management of CIF&RF
    5. To understand the contribution of CIF &RF in enhancing sustainability of SHG, VO and CLF
    6. To utilise the findings of the study to improve the capacities of SHG’s and their federations in effective CIF&RF management
    Development OF Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Federations

    NRLM is mobilizing the poor into their institutions. These institutions are expected to provide services to their members such as savings, credit, livelihoods support and accessing rights and entitlements. To achieve increased access to their rights, entitlements, social service benefits, public services and other schemes. The design and the maintenance of the established systems are essential for any institution to become sustainable. There is a need to focus on a long term strategy for achieving sustainability, Systems like fund management, internal controls, bookkeeping and legal compliance, require considerable improvement. To develop such mechanism under DAY-NRLM across the Federations a workshop on Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for VOs & CLF of the Institution Building was organizedat NIRD&PR from 4th to 8th Sep 2017.As the outcome of the SOP Workshop it was decided to prepare the Operational Manuals for primary & secondary level federations on the following:

    1. Purpose, Objectives of institutions, Structure, Governance, Functions, Services, Office management, CBO Staff policies and Key performance indicators for PLFs and SLFs.
    2. Operations and management (including management of various financial and non-financial products and services, systems and internal control mechanisms) for PLFs and SLFs.
    3. Visioning, Strategic planning and Sustainability for PLFs and SLFs
    Capacity building and orientation in Gender

    In order to undertake gender mainstreaming, NMMU has developed protocol which has been disseminated to the states. Five National Resource persons were empaneled and oriented in integration of gender within NRLM. State Resource persons were selected by SMMUs and trained in concepts of gender, integration of gender in NRLM, institutional mechanisms for gender and preparation of gender action plan and its integration in vulnerability reduction plan. The State Resource Persons trainings were held in NIRD. In four Batches, 77 state resource persons were trained.

    This was followed by training of District Resource persons, Block Resource Persons and community resource persons on the same themes in 11 states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana and Assam. 1127 participants were trained in the states. Manual for gender training was developed by National Resource Persons and it has been printed and published by NIRD. The manual has been used for training in the states.

    Study on the Role of Women’s Self-Help Groups in promoting control and management of Non Communicable Diseases – Swasthyam and SaantwanamInitiatives under Kudumbashree Mission, Kerala State supported by National Rural LivelihoodMission. Organising Exposure Visits:

    Exposure visit on DAY-NRLM for Andaman & Nicobar staff and Community Cadre was organised at NIRD&PR during 28th Aug to 6th Sep 2017. Around 30 Community Resource Persons, Village Level Workers, CCs, SPEs&EOs attended the training programme. The participants were trained on various components and verticals of NRLM. They were taken for a field exposure to OMPLIS, Kurnool to understand the fundamentals of Institutions.

    Short film on Performance Management System

    The film was made in Hindi and English languages to help the SRLMs to assess the performance of the staff and Cadres. The film was released by Director General NIRD&PR and Joint Secretary &Mission Director, NRLM, MoRD, New Delhi during Annual National writeshop and distributed to all SRLMs.

    Trainings on Livelihoods (farm &Non-farm)

    NRLM RC has been Conducting the training programs exclusively, on Agriculture, Livestock, Value Chains, Farmer Producer Groups (FPGs), Farmer Producer Organisation (FPOs) and on NTFPs (Identification, Scientific methods of tapping, collection, processing and Value addition, storage etc.,) during the 2017-18 NRLM (RC). With the support of NMMU and NRPs conducted 6 campus training programmes covered 222 participants including SPMs, DMMs and Thematic specialist on Livelihoods and trained 716 participants in 18 training programmes covering 9 states.

    Based up on the demand from Different SRLMs the same trainings will be conducted in other potential states

    Supporting Livelihoods Initiatives

    Trainings on Livelihoods (farm &Non-farm)

    NRLM RC has been Conducting the training programs exclusively, on Agriculture, Livestock, Value Chains, Farmer Producer Groups (FPGs), Farmer Producer Organisation (FPOs) and on NTFPs (Identification, Scientific methods of tapping, collection, processing and Value addition, storage etc.,) during the 2017-18 NRLM (RC). With the support of NMMU and NRPs conducted 6 campus traningsprogrammes covered 222 participants including SPMs, DMMs and Thematic specialist on Livelihoods and trained 716 participants in 18 training programmes covering 9 states.

    Based up on the demand from Different SRLMs the same trainings will be conducted in other potential states.

    SVEP (Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme)

    Developed a standard training methodology on Enterprise Development (ED) for Community Coordinators (CCs) of SERP- Andhra Pradesh.

    The objective of the study to develop standard training methodology which includes training materials including modules, tools like flipcharts etc. for enterprise development for CCs.

    CMSA CRPs trainings

    All External and Internal CRPs were gained a good theoretical and practical Knowledge on Sustainable Agricultural package of Practices, CMSA methods of Soil Fertility Management, Pest and Disease management, Botanical Extracts, SRI, Rain fed agricultural practices, Poorest of the Poor Strategy, Pest and Disease Economic Threshold, Farmer Field School, Basic Hindi Speaking Skills etc., and after training they will be positioned in different resource blocks of partnered SRLMs for promoting CMSA methods and identifying Internal CRPs from best practicing farmers.

    SRLM identified SPMs, YPs and other livelihood Project staff were trained on CMSA methods, Poorest of the Poor Strategy, Role of CRPs, Field exposure on different CMSA models etc., and it helps them in monitoring CRPs work in resource blocks and expanding the program to other blocks in various SRLMs.

    Orientation programmes to newly recruited CRPs, briefing and debriefings of CMSA were conducted during April 2017 to Jan 2018 at NIRDPR, Hyderabad. A total of 18 programmes covered 564 CRPs.

Trainings & Workshops Conducted / Coordinated

S.No Year Campus Training Programs at NIRD&PR Campus Workshops Coordinated with NMMU, MoRD Off campus Training Programmes conducted by NRLM (RC) Off campus Workshops supported by NIRD&PR Total
No. of Programs Participants No. of Programs Participants No. of Programs Participants No. of Programs Participants No. of Programs Participants
1 2013-14 6 271 9 762 10 416 0 0 25 1449
2 2014-15 12 423 26 1408 16 527 0 0 54 2358
3 2015-16 40 1809 4 344 45 1260 12 596 101 4009
4 2016-17 43 2157 11 603 74 4449 2 90 130 7299
5 2017-18 55 1953 15 376 77 3911 9 284 156 6524
6 2018-19 16 700 15 408 172 7570 18 755 221 9433
Grand - Total 172 7313 80 3901 394 18133 41 1725 687 31072



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